When all modern socio-political systems along the right-left axis have shattered dreams, betrayed expectations, hundreds of dead, huge social rifts and ecological impasses to show, the truth of Democracy, the human achievement of democracy, carefully buried by the perennial rulers emerges. of political freedom, of dignity for all, the essence of Greek logic and attitude that had become a bare name.
In this manual we present the authentic perspective of its creators, listen to their forgotten voice and organizational tactics for the recapture of power and the re-establishment of Democracy worldwide. The plan of political self-organization of the Municipalities, self-sufficient cities with lottery authorities on a national scale, is broken down in short sections with blueprints and clarity, along with the buried philosophy of Isocracy, which proposes the multitude as the only worthy and safe one to manage the commons, regardless of economic or educational level of its members. This project aims to find and participate citizens in the political self-organization of the Municipalities of every city of every country.
Municipal State, Handbook of Political Organization of the Republic
Maximos Lambros Pyrovetsis,100 in stock
Maximos Lambros Pyrovetsis was born on February 14, 1968 in Athens, where his first memories were of the historic center. He grew up in the comforts of the newly built Holargos playing carefree like there was no tomorrow. He cultivated in the game the sense of team, responsibility, value and justice and the expectation of a world based on friendship, believing that human nature unfolding freely reveals goodness.
He studied political and religious systems as a teenager, going through the extra-parliamentary space and philosophical schools and lived in communities in Greece and abroad. Realizing the inability of social systems to fulfill the popular expectation without causing division, he made it his life's purpose to "join the ends" in his philosophical, political and also personal life.
He has a BA from Delaware USA in Marketing and Public Relations and a MA in International Advertising from Hertfordshire UK. Volunteer at E.D. he was fatally led to Greek nationalism where he found the lost source. He studied ancient Greek and wrote a number of works defending the Greek Tradition that were published on websites and in print between 2000 and 2010. He founded in 2008 the "Association of State Municipalities for the Defense of Democracy".
He worked in the field of business promotion for 15 years, until in 2011 the economic crisis threw him into unemployment, which he characterized as the most difficult profession. Today he is active in business in the area of Co.S.Ep. environmental and cultural purpose. He is married and has a child.
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Weight | 0.5 kg |
Writer | Maximos Lambros Pyrovetsis |
Pages | 238 |
Writer | |
Size | 16x23 cm |
Publisher | iWrite.gr Publications |
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