Short stories and literary essays on Mythology.
A projection or parable of Mythology in the physical and historical dimensions, with images that complement the aesthetic understanding and aid the philosophical approach. A reference to the primordial elements of the Myths, with interpretative versions and comparative correlations to the common ideological characteristics of the cultures of the Aegean, the Mediterranean and the Near East.
Myth, custodian of truth, is the authentic information, the broadest and infinite source of wisdom, the eternal food of the scientist, the inexhaustible reservoir of the transcendent. Mythology is the raw material that gave rise to philosophy and poetry. It is the ontological bed in which man channeled the flow of his experiences and reflections, it is the primitive form of transmission of information and messages. Symbols and parables, indelible messages, became the armored vehicles that carried the laws of nature and life, through the inherent weaknesses of the primitive being. Gods, demigods, and heroes contributed to understanding nature, organizing early societies, and addressing metaphysical fears, existential angst, and man's compromise with life and death.
Mythosophy is the search and transmission of the wisdom of myths, through secret codes, that travel through space and time and shape the intellect and morals of humanity.
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