You have the right to return the products you have purchased and request either their replacement or the cancellation of the transaction and the refund of the price, in the cases where you have been delivered the wrong products or products of poor and defective quality (error in receiving the order, invoicing , in shipment, damaged in transit, poorly packaged, etc.).
You should contact us immediately, and at the latest within three (3) calendar days from the delivery of the product to the company's mail ([email protected]) or by phone with 2311 272803.
Within seven (7) calendar days days from the delivery of the product to send the product to the publisher's offices in the condition you received it, together with all the documents that accompanied the product (e.g. Retail Package) and its complete original packaging (box, nylon , afrolex, etc.). In any case, the products must be returned in perfect condition, in the condition they were received, complete and undamaged, and the packaging of the product must be the one that normally accompanies the product and also be in perfect condition. To ensure the product, it would be advisable to pack the product in a larger box so that it is protected during shipping.
The defective product is returned via the partner courier company and the costs are borne by us (“recipient charge”). If you choose a different shipping method for the defective product, then the shipping costs are borne by you.
After the return of the products, the defect you have reported is checked and you are then contacted, within three (3) calendar days from the delivery of the product, regarding the results of the control.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact us by email at info or by phone at 2311 272803.