In the family of the Model Source Culture Group, we believe that businesses, especially those that are oriented towards culture, are inextricably linked to the society in which they operate. We are part of the wider society and we recognize our responsibility towards society and the environment. We respect in practice the principles and values that characterize our culture – respect for human dignity, the provision of equal opportunities, respect for the environment we have inherited, and the need to improve the standard of living and the quality of life of those around us.
In the context of the above, it is no coincidence that the main supply of paper for our books comes from recyclable materials. In addition, the Model Source Culture Club is proud of its participation in actions that promote culture and offer humanity. In particular, we make donations to municipal and school libraries. We have established the "No child without a fairy tale" program, with free books to parents who cannot afford to provide reading for their children. We work with the largest child protection associations in the country and through our specific titles, we offer them a significant part or the entire profit of the rights of the books. In addition to the above, we publish on an annual basis and at our own expense, a small number of books by first-time authors, in order to motivate more of our fellow citizens to take up writing. We print books at very low prices for non-profit companies. In a more general context, we are always open to suggestions in this direction. We strengthen the Reading Clubs in a variety of ways and co-organize actions that strengthen the love of reading and the love for literature, investing in the rental of spaces and equipment. As a company, we also have a special animal-friendly orientation. Finally, in the yard of our offices in Thessaloniki we have adopted 14 squirmy cats who are often tempted to take walks between our libraries. The letters of thanks we receive from time to time from organizations and associations we have supported are for us the moral reward that reminds us that society and cultural enterprises can win together.
So if you have a library in mind that needs books, if you're looking for someone to design a free calendar for your charity, if you're holding a charity dance and need books to raffle off as prizes, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!