DECADES OF THE '30s and in Piraeus "Tetras the famous of Piraeus". The dudes of the time listen to the shape that the Piraeus Rebetiko highlighted and the tekdes look like places of bouzouki worship. Members of the scheme are Markos Vamvakaris, Anestis Delias, Giorgos Batis and Stratos Payoumtzis. The pre-war work of the first three persons is also the subject of study in this publication.
The reader will first get to know the way of life of the time and will be introduced to the Rebet idiom. Then follow separate chapters for each composer, which include biographical information, catalogs of their compositions, recording and analysis of selected songs and the characteristics of their work.
Special emphasis was given to the detailed recording of the bouzouki melody (or baglama in the case of Batis) and to the in-depth musicological and lyrical analysis of the songs, with special reference to the way of playing, the dozen and the interpretation-performance technique. Finally, the comparative study of the three and the conclusions of the research are presented.
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