The ambitious experiment of an eccentric scientist is the beginning of a revolutionary invention that will become an unexpected hope, capable of radically changing the future of humanity on the planet. The answer to the dilemma of revealing or concealing the invention to the scientific community, passes from the Moon and under the Doppler Crater, where the scientist discovers the secret that for centuries was hidden inside it. A higher form of intelligence, which he will encounter along the way, will become the benchmark for the human frailties that, willfully or unwittingly, lead the planet to its destruction and premature end.
The novel "MOON - Parallel Lives" is a cinematically interactive adventure between fantasy and reality. An attempt to understand the nature of consciousness and the limits of human reason. At the same time, it is a journey into the hypothesis of a possible contact of man with some extraterrestrial life form, which may have happened in the past and seems to be possible in the future. Above all, however, it is a desperate attempt to free man from the prison of obscurantism, superstition, immorality and indifference.
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