What is it that convinces a consumer to press the "buy button"?
What critical stimuli does he receive in order to make a purchasing decision?
The problem in trying to answer the above or similar questions is that the multi-complex phenomenon of Consumer Behavior is studied one-dimensionally. Is the scientific theory alone capable of explaining how a consumer thinks? On the other hand, can we rely solely on the personal opinions of market people?
For the first time, the substantial connection of marketing literature and consumer behavior with the experience of the real market is attempted. 16 high-level executives of large companies and entrepreneurs comment on academic theory in order to realistically detect the needs of a consumer. Modern marketing concepts such as Neuromarketing and Holistic Marketing are analyzed.
In the last section there is one more innovation: the treatment of the Citizen as a Digital Consumer. They comment on important figures of the political scene.
This book will make you see the market with a different eye.
Arva -
Laura -
Thanasis -
Amazing book!!!