Μthe momentum of the Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment may have weakened dramatically immediately after the creation of the new Greek state, however, representatives of these ideas can still be traced until the end of the 19th century. One of the most important personalities of the period was Stefanos Koumanoudis, professor of Latin at the University of Athens and prominent secretary of the Athens Archaeological Society.
For the Greek scholar, the standard and measure of comparison must be the ancient world, while Christianity and Byzantium are not necessarily essential components of the new Greek edifice. The above resulted in the outbreak of fierce conflicts between Koumanoudis and representatives of the famous Greek Christian ideology.
The central core of the book you are holding in your hands are two carefully selected texts by Koumanoudis, which are published for the first time in the modern publishing houses of our country. Most interesting conclusions can be drawn from these writings regarding the positions and directions he wished to give to the modern Greek temperament and identity.
The release of this work is for the philistine Greek readers another tile of the publishing path that we are methodically paving through the Lux Orbis Series. Through this path, events and figures of the new Hellenism are highlighted, which form a luminous chain through time, demonstrating that the modern appeals to the principles and values of the Enlightenment, not only constitute a beneficial path for the course of Hellenism, but remain timeless topical.
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