ΟScientists have already formulated with rigorous scientific accuracy all the major threats to humanity, sounding the alarm that the century we are passing through may be the last for the human species.
But are we missing a very important piece of this puzzle? Are we missing something so important, which can change the balances and correlations? Are we ignoring a great truth that can change our way of thinking, our morals and our behavior?
Historical evidence and scientific data reveal a fundamental relationship for Man, Nature and Politics, the ignorance of which constitutes the great unknown threat to humanity throughout time.
An undisclosed relationship in the depths of the centuries that hides within it a treasure for people and can finally get us out of the quagmire, impasses and crisis, at the same time liberating ideology from the bonds of Marxism, which constitutes its greatest philosophical paradox history.
A relationship that explains the causes that cause the historical rise and fall of all great civilizations, accurately defining all human issues and evolution itself.
The age-old unknown threat, which has wiped out all great human civilizations in the past, now threatens to wreak havoc and destruction on modern Western civilization as well.
Are there signs of this threat in modern times? The signs, unfortunately, are unwavering, powerful and have already made their appearance…
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