Τthis document is divided into two parts. In the first part, the character of his Ruler Niccolò Machiavelli is brought to life through the adventures of Frank Underwood, a television character, who, as a politician, seeks in various ways to rise to power. The aim of the first part is to prove that the TV character's pursuit of power is based on his manual Machiavelli and how o Ruler it is not only a philosophical concept, but a character that exists in real life as well.
Regarding the second part, reference is made to Niccolò Machiavelli and the character of the ruler described by the Italian political philosopher. A comparison is made with earlier political philosophers and the concept of classical realism in political philosophy and international relations is thoroughly analyzed.
The book is clearly addressed to those who want to deal with the study of political philosophy and, specifically, with that stream of classical realism. It is a text that makes a clear separation of classical realism from the other currents and emphasizes the importance of the individual or the state among the other suitors of power or the international system respectively.
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