Showing 1–32 of 135 results
Think before you love again.
Love redeems, love elevates, love calms... but here love kills...
Sacrifice has the color of love
Surrendering your needs to a higher purpose; to motherly love, to love...
The Angel of the Desert
One job. Half a million dollars. A journey with the backdrop of Africa.
For a moment
Some people are meant to be together, even if only for a little while...
Eros Anikate Taha
What happens when the arrows of God Love find the wrong target?
Until I find you
Can two young children battling their demons experience the ultimate love?
Be careful what you sacrifice in the pursuit of happiness
The superhuman struggle of two parents to conquer their lost life.
Word Game (Hardcover)
So let's retaliate, since there is no other way, in a poem, in a verse, even in one word.
Word Game
So let's retaliate, since there is no other way, in a poem, in a verse, even in one word.
How to Tame Ethereal Creatures
The path of an eccentric hero, who acrobats between success and the fringes.
Love from above
No matter what plans you make, life can turn them upside down in an instant