An old memory has been coming to me lately, probably because of my involvement again with this booklet, Alexandroupolis and its newspapers. The memory of my grandfather, from my mother's side, Kosmas Syrris, an old sailor, in wars and in peace, from Vrontados of Chios. I remembered, then, that when I was a primary school student, some story was told to me, I don't remember what, that was about Alexandroupoli, Dedeagats. I learned the names of the city. Older and present and as the grandfather's narration was probably delicious, as usual, it gave birth to the desire, since then, to visit it and I loved both the city and its names. But the memory of the story itself was lost, probably forever. In the battle to preserve memory, collective and individual, our old newspapers acquire great importance. A small part of this history is contained in the book at hand. However, Alexandroupoli has the privilege of having the body of its first daily newspaper preserved, almost complete, in our National Library. So, with this note, I propose to every able body of the city and every able citizen, individually or by joining forces, to undertake the photomechanical reproduction of the LIGHTHOUSE of the period 1924-1925, because through its pages it vividly revives the life of the city and the region of those early years of free life of our ancestors. The reprinting will certainly be an important contribution to preserving the collective memory of the citizens for the small and big events of the time.
Kalamaria, March 2021
George D. Panoussis
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