Το the end of the First World War also meant the end of the once powerful Empires in Europe and the Balkans, while almost simultaneously new states appeared, through the redistribution of territories with the Peace Treaties. The new state entities that were formed tried to implement modern governance models, transitioning from monarchy to democracy, while simultaneously developing their economy.
The economic depression of 1929 interrupted Europe's path towards development. The nationalist movements that had already been created in Germany and subsequently in the Balkans, diverted the region from the democratic path. Until the aftermath of World War II, the entire Balkan region, with the exception of Turkey, was ruled by totalitarian regimes.
Adolf Hitler, Führer and Leader of the Third Reich, was particularly interested in the Balkan region and managed to penetrate it through the conclusion of various economic agreements.
The present book attempts to examine the reactions of the Balkan states after Adolf Hitler's rise to power, the bilateral relations that Nazi Germany developed with each of the Balkan states, but also the efforts of German diplomacy to control the Balkan region. .
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