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The benefits of music through children's books

children's music book

The benefits of music through children's books


The children's book as an assistant to music

A children's book can become the "voice" of music. The light in the gray, the sunshine in the darkness, the joy in life, the balm in sorrow, the medicine in every difficult phase of our life. It opens the mind and broadens the horizons. It is a universal language that accompanies man in every moment. Research has shown that the benefits of music for children and their education are many and important. Even from the fetal age, music affects the child and has a positive effect on his development. Through hearing his mother's voice, from the external sounds heard to the amniotic sac, music is present and affects him deeply.

Children understand the language of music instinctively and have a natural love for it. From an early age, they sway to her rhythm and tune in to her sounds. They move their arms and legs, clap their hands, make noises, sing and are happy when they hear loud sounds. They love songs that have rhythm and energy and this has a positive effect on their good mood. Dancing, singing, melodies entertain and bring enjoyment and euphoria to the child. But, through a song, a movement, or listening to a melody, the child is not only given the opportunity to have fun, but to exercise his mind and memory and cultivate the ability to focus his attention.

children's music book

The role of music in all moments of life

Music, however, can have a positive effect even in his less happy moments. It can soothe the crying toddler with a lullaby, help them relax after reading, release their stress, chase away their sadness and accompany them at bedtime. Music contributes positively to the child's mental health. Improves mood, fights negative emotions. It can help him understand, recognize his inner world and express his feelings better. With music he can easily relax and find a way out of whatever concerns him. Music helps to manage pain, stress and sadness, but also to better express joy.

Also, with the help of music it is cultivated the fine mobility of each child. Through various activities, musical-motor games, or lessons to learn an instrument, the sense of rhythm, space-time perception, coordination of movement, sense of orientation, body control are cultivated.

Music and Education

Music education helps focus attention and the ability to interact with his friends, with school, with the world in general. The activity cultivates their imagination, develops their improvisation and creativity. By activating imagination and improvisation, music helps the child to understand that every problem has not only one but many solutions, that a question has not only one but many answers. Thus, the mentality of black and white, of right and wrong, which traps children and limits their free thinking and will, is eliminated.

Music also helps children concentrate during class, enhance memory and attention, and organize their thoughts.

It teaches the child to discipline and cooperate. Through learning a musical instrument, from his participation in a choir, in a student orchestra, in an amateur band, in a school concert, his sociability, responsibility and self-confidence are cultivated. Music helps the child perform better in school, mature faster, and discover skills they didn't know they had.

Some goals are always set through the music lesson. The effort to achieve these goals, the effort to reach the child to the desired result, strengthen his patience and self-confidence. They teach the child the precious gifts of consistency, cooperation, discipline and cultivate the possibility of self-expression and creation. Necessary supplies for his subsequent course in life, in his professional career but also in his interpersonal relationships.

children's music book

How we bring children close to music

Music is not another subject that will fill up and perhaps burden the heavy schedule of each child. It is a game that will have a positive effect on the formation of his personality. And while on the one hand we say "read history", "solve my math exercises", "study my lessons", on the other we say "play music", which makes children not see it as a forced activity that will it may rob them of their little free time, but as a varied, endless, joyful and wonderful game. For all these reasons, it is important to introduce musical education early in the life of every child.

Parents, try to start your children's day with a favorite song. Dance with them to familiar rhythms, listen to tunes and sing along with them. Let them experiment with the rhythm and sounds. Make improvised instruments. Play music for entertainment, for fun, for relaxation, for creating beautiful family moments. Encourage musical activity and you will see your child grow up beautifully, form a distinct personality and why not, develop into a great musical talent. And always remember that music is innate in man. We can all relate to her. We can all play, make music. We can all put it in our lives, travel with it and improve ourselves, our inner self and little by little the whole world.

Ria Karbadaki,
children's book author
"The False Cloud"

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