iWrite for kids

Life Coaching for children!

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excerpt from the book "Panda for Kids", (life coaching for children)

How to hide from children?

The kids know what he's going to say personal development. It is their natural tendency to follow their heart as they are connected to it. The children express what he will say inspiration. There are no filters, no beliefs, you have to. They are like flowers that bloom naturally and beautifully when they are in the right environment.

Children feel what he will say Love. They feel and communicate what they desire. Children remind us how to reconnect with the little child within us, with our Heart. They are happy with the simple, but essential. We must be by their side and listen to them. They are the teachers us that allow us with a beginner's mind to remember who we are. They haven't forgotten that. It's like one unwritten table (tabula rasa) that needs special care for what will be painted on them. When we empathetically descend to their height to understand them, they will in turn rise to shed Light.

Life Coaching method for children

Our book has various approaches and a key source of inspiration is the Life Coaching method. This method aims at the well-being of people by cultivating creativity, personal development, taking advantage of the possibilities for development, action, performance as well as the achievement of goals. The concept of Coaching has its roots in Ancient Greece. Socrates, with the midwifery method, helped man to know himself better and to utilize his Truth.

Among the pillars on which Coaching was based, are the principles of Positive Psychology. According to Abraham Maslow, the forerunner of Positive Psychology and one of the best-known exponents of Humanistic Psychology, "all people have an innate desire to realize their maximum potential and reach the point of self-actualization."

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Positive Psychology

According to the pioneer of Positive Psychology, Martin Seligman, "Coaching is the practical application tool of this new field of psychology." This field of psychology deals with the positive characteristics of the human condition, such as: the expression of gratitude, a positive life attitude, resilience, meaningful life, the cultivation of talents, the experience of happiness as well as the contribution to society as a whole .

The Life Coaching method for children we developed encourages children to believe in themselves and unlocks their potential in ways tailored to their needs. Children discover their values ​​and what makes them happy. They also utilize their mental and mental powers. Finally, they cultivate their gifts, fulfill goals and pave the way for a Life according to their own ideals, interests and dreams.

The benefits of Life Coaching for children

– cultivate it autonomy and imagination their
– acquire extra appetite for mobilization – is strengthened self esteem and self confidence their
– is increasing concentration and the joy for the lessons And the activities their
– understand, express their feelings and develop emotional their intelligence
– they learn how to they calm down and they are sleeping better
– spend more quality time with parents and friends
– expand Life skills/soft skills (life skills/soft skills) such as empathyThe organizationThe decision makingThe cooperationThe resolution problemsThe management of of time and stressThe learningThe targetingThe adaptabilityThe teamwork and leadership
– lay the groundwork for a happy and balanced Adulthood


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Panda for Kids

Look inside and create a magical world!

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