An untold story about the Polytechnic in a book that commemorates the half-century anniversary of the uprising that changed modern Greek history!
ΌWhen history begins to look like a fairy tale whose thread is lost in silence, when the protagonists of the events dress up in the clothing of the decay of ideas and the poverty of ideals, only memory can reconstruct the fragments of the cracked mirror of truth.
The uprising of the students of the National Technical University of Athens remains the landmark of the struggle of the young people who, unarmed and unarmed in the face of the iron fences of the junta, dared to break the plaster mold of lack of freedom and fear with the momentum of youth.
The slogan "Bread - Education - Freedom" that rang out in November 73 on the streets of Athens, transcends the narrow limits of one place, becomes universal. And as long as it remains unfulfilled for even one man, so much will it be a universal democratic vision and make the foundations of every tyrannical power creaking.
Through the pages of the "Remembrance", the duty of every citizen to defend, even with his own life if necessary, the right to freedom and democracy is underlined, until we establish social justice, equality and peace throughout the world. Earth.
Fifty years after the Polytechnic uprising. Personal testimonies are combined with literature and poetry, thus igniting the spark that awakens memories and creates revolutionary images.
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