This is a lovingly written book of stories for older people without dementia, with mild dementia, people with early onset dementia, and people with moderate dementia. Also, it could not be addressed to the caregivers of people diagnosed with dementia, to all children and in general to those who remain children!
They said about the book…
The way in which the author uses fairy tales, as a means of strengthening the mental functions, is innovative, effective and at the same time entertaining. It consists of fairy tales adapted for "big" babies and has proven in practice how useful a tool it can be for health professionals.
Eleni Margioti, clinical neuropsychologist
Five completely fresh fairy tales with the background of mental decline in old age. Let the fairy tales travel to the very young and the very old. Let's help each other on this journey and why not, let's travel with them.
Dimitris Lennas, psychiatrist
The author, due to her status and experience with the disease of dementia, succeeds in creating for the first time "tales for grown-up babies", achieving something unique. To bring the patient and the caregiver together in a fairytale respite from the demanding mindless reality.
Emfietzidis Ioannis, cultural expert, carer of a person with dementia
The stories in the book familiarize us with the reality of people with dementia, while they can act as a therapeutic tool for the caregiver, professional or relative. It is a project with multidimensional importance, for the whole society, in all its age levels.
Ioannis Panagiotopoulos, physical therapist
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