A different self-improvement book, full of humor but also educational!
Step one: Finding – What can't I do?
Step two: Analysis – Why can't I?
Step three: Action – What should I change so that I finally can?
A modern handbook or original guide to managing our most common-everyday "I can'ts". Small - maybe even true - special stories starring our usual suspects "I can't", whose only purpose is to help us somehow manage to get to know ourselves.
– After all, was Ellen Ripley a lesbian or not?
– What was going on with Christopher Columbus and Isabella of Spain?
– Why did Ariadne give a skein to Theseus?
– What was Giadikiaroglou's and Petrovassili's favorite lesson?
– What does Candy Candy have to do with Snow White?
Conclusion: After all, you can do anything, because everything (can) happen! It is inflected in all voices and tenses. You just have to be the first to believe it!
Short stories in a unique self-improvement book, with strong sarcastic and comic elements that bring before us - in a surreal way - our fears and repulsions, as if we underestimate them or disappoint them. In this way we reduce as much as possible their daily influence on us.
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