Can a routine visit to a cafe under the guiding eye of the Acropolis be a journey of adventure, self-awareness and surprises? Can a bike ride witness a miracle? Can searching for a lost vinyl record in the hookah-soaked, cheap cologne-scented and spiritual-smelling back alleys of Cairo act as a charmer of the soul? Can an unforgettable trip down the forgotten chocolate-colored Mekong River of Asia, which perennially and unassumingly tickled the chords of happiness, act equally on the informal scale of life with a simple question to a woman in England, which brings about fundamental mental changes? Can a cup of fresh turmeric root tea in Luang Prapang's lap with Astrud Gilberto unsettle the innermost cores of psychic intelligence as easily as a few tons of settled abandoned thoughts can be dumped in the bustling Babel of Odors, Kerala, India? Or can the internal dialogues born on the graffiti-stained streets of Berlin's Kreuzberg shed the heavy suit of guilt as easily as the living testimony of a hurricane in Vietnam reveals the fullness of love? Can humor dress up life more beautifully and brightly, and the emotional "hostage" of captivating people and places remove self-limiting mental strings?
Autobiographical animal stitchings from three continents give meaning to the (wonderful) life on this planet and "plan" the existential quests with the sole purpose of what only the soul wants: evolution.
A journey spanning three continents where ordinary encounters unravel the mysteries of life, leaving a profound impact on the soul's pursuit of growth and upliftment.
Catherine -
I highly recommend it!!
It travels you to different parts of the world and also of the soul!!
An unprecedented combination of deep substance and light atmosphere!!
With humor, unique writing, musical and cinematic touches, it manages to stimulate all 5 senses!!