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A moving and empowering confession from one cancer patient for his constant battle with the terminal disease.
These short texts are written from the point of view of a sufferer - not an expert - who has been fighting for three years. I have stage IV lung adenocarcinoma, a potentially fatal form of the disease, but I am fighting it successfully so far.
I believe the success is due to the innovative anti-cancer treatments, the hard daily struggle, my doctors and my strong belief in victory.
I wrote this book to joyfully offer a breath of life, a breath of hope, to patients and caregivers, to those who have experienced the pain of cancer, suggesting ways to make the pain a seed.
And I want to remind here again eternal values, which heal (love, compassion, truth, courage, solidarity), but also to pass a message to the world, which is how:
Someone can defeat cancer, but also any other disease, even in the most advanced stages, since he hides incredible powers within him - so that his breath is never taken away by the disease, but only by ecstasy...
The book is dedicated to all those who have experienced cancer, as well as to FairLife LCC, which reminds us that:
We are all EQUAL against the disease.
We all deserve the same BREATH OF LIFE.
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