Skiathos, New York, Thessaloniki, three stations of a unique journey in the constellation of irreconcilable love, until the August full moon will bring redemption...
"...Attempting a dive into the past and into my first student years, in the 70s, I discovered in my imagination Vagelio,
who unwittingly told me the bitter story of the wrecked loves of her small neighborhood. I write "unwittingly" because she herself neither saw me nor heard me, she was just thinking aloud one night behind her open window and I happened to pass by her anonymous alley...
Dead-end, unacknowledged, superficial or even deeper loves which are nevertheless related between
them and evolve against the backdrop of the planetarium
sea. They come and go like ships
until in the end they sink and are lost as they are also lost...
And this audition is just the beginning of a dive
in the shelters of love passion...".
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Wrecked Loves
George Sanidas,100 in stock
Author Biography
Giorgos Sanidas was born in 1963 in Skiathos. He is an economist and deals, at the same time, with Social Economy issues. His first appearance in literature was with the poetic novel "Freshman" (1993) and was followed by: "Sergeant why (didn't) you move?" (Afoi Kyriakidis 2012) and "The Queen's Child" (iwrite 2012). In 2013, he created the publications "KYMA" and proceeded to publish the novels "The Castle of Freedom and Barbarossa" and "Wrecked Loves", as well as the short story "If Mr. Alexander Woke Up".
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Categories: Social, All Novels
Weight | 0.5 kg |
Writer | |
Writer | George Sanidas |
Pages | 504 |
Size | 14x21 cm |
Publisher | Kyma Publications |
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