Tatiana Tsinioli
Road Trip – novel

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How important is writing to you?

It is vital I would say. From the moment I saw how a story is set up and how attached you become to the characters, I can't imagine my life before without that feeling. Ever since I finished my first novel, I think something has "changed" in me and I now look at everything as a source of inspiration.

"For a writer who decides to trust somewhere with "his child" this is the most important of all. Let him know that he is in ... good hands."

How did you feel when your book was published and you held it in your hands for the first time?

It's magical. It is completely different to experience it through your computer screen and then to be able to flip through it. When you don't put it on your bookshelf, you can stare at it for minutes with a smile that is permanently stuck on your lips. Mouse scroll on page – scroll 0-1

Why do you think you made the right choice with iWrite.gr?

From the first moment, the first phone call and the first appointment, I understood that the publications are next to the author. To discuss his book and be really interested in it. To take care of it and love it. For a writer who decides to trust "his child" somewhere, this is the most important of all. Let him know that he is in good hands.

Your first impressions of the "journey" of your book, which has just begun?

I won't say much. But it is the most beautiful trip I could take and the term "good trip" has never seemed more true than now.