Nektarios Buterakos
See Me Otherwise - novel

| Family of Writers of Pigi Publications and iWrite!

How important is writing to you?

When I was a little kid I loved creating my own worlds. This made me a bit anti-social and paranoid. I just closed my eyes and lived in a utopia. I was the protagonist in my own movie, I was the prince and the dragon and the victim but also the perpetrator. This results in a very vivid imagination. When I first sat in front of a screen I felt helpless. I didn't know what to do and how. But there was a little helper by my side that I discovered along the way is called instinct. He took the reins and with a microcommand of the brain, I pressed the first key. And then came the flood of letters, words, sentences, pages that I couldn't wait to see go. Countless images, mixed feelings, endless ideas filled my mind since then. Now it's like breathing. I can't unless I create my own worlds. That's how important writing is to me.

"After meeting the publishers and the impeccable treatment I received, if I had the opportunity to choose Pigi publications again I would do so. I like to work with young people who have an appetite for work and creation.”

How did you feel when your book was published and you held it in your hands for the first time?

Like it was Christmas and they brought me the greatest, most important present. I think that's exactly how anyone who writes stories should feel when they see their work in bookstores. Like a little child being given a gift.

Why do you think you made the right choice with Pigi publications and the studios?

The truth is that I did not make the choice. After I won an award for a short story I had sent to a publishing house competition, I was asked to send in a finished book of mine, and that's exactly what I did. Of course, after getting to know the publishers and the impeccable treatment I received, if I had the opportunity to choose Pigi publications again I would do so. I like to work with young people who have an appetite for work and creation.