Katerina Triantafyllou
Everything about Marriage Difficult? – study, self-awareness

| iWrite Family of Writers

When I was in fourth grade, I ended a school report with the sentence "...and of course I'm going to write a lot of books." That I would write books was a given for me from then on, because from a young age I wrote as naturally and unconsciously as I breathed. I still feel that way. Writing is the backbone of my life, it was my first and still my most important psychotherapy process. I write like I breathe and I couldn't live without writing. When I write I immerse myself in another world, from which it is sometimes difficult for me to get out.

“The personal contact with them [iWrite] and the constant interaction are elements that I did not find in another publishing house. I am not an easy "customer"! I watched the birth of my book with a watchful eye and did not settle for anything less than perfect! Thanks to iWrite for offering it to me in such a beautiful and friendly way.”

How did you feel when your book was published and you held it in your hands for the first time?

How does a mother of many children feel when she holds her thirteenth child in her arms? That's how I feel about my thirteenth book! I love each of my books with the same intensity, but in a different way than the rest. It marks a different period in my life and another stepping stone in my development as a person and as a writer. Through my books I live another, parallel life, and sometimes I find it difficult to distinguish which of the two is the real one...

Why do you think you made the right choice with iWrite.gr?

New way of publishing, new way of thinking, new people who are also writers and respect the writer. The personal contact with them and the constant interaction are elements that I have not found in any other publishing house. I am not an easy "customer"! I watched the birth of my book with a watchful eye and did not settle for anything less than perfect! Thanks to iWrite for offering it to me in such a beautiful and friendly way.

Your first impressions of the "journey" of your book, which has just begun?

The publication of my book coincided with dramatic political and economic circumstances, so its journey has practically not yet begun. I wish you a safe journey in the sea of ​​"soul" books.