Giannis Giannakaronis
Mysterious Dreams - literature

| iWrite Family of Writers

How important is writing to you?

When I started writing my first experimental texts during the student period, I certainly could not have suspected what would follow. Although my novels have as a source the wider space of imagination, the meaning that the term "writing" acquired for me in the following years turned into something that I could not imagine at the time. It may have started as a simple hobby, but over time it developed into something very deep and important. Now, fifteen years or so later, I affirm with certainty that writing is the most stable axis of my everyday life, of my personality, of my very life. It is the most faithful friend, a companion that I know will never betray me, since it exists only to provide inner balance and completeness, those timeless values ​​that creation gives.

"After thorough market research, mainly via the internet, I ended up working with A choice that in retrospect turned out to be highly successful. These are people with knowledge of the field and excellent professionals."


How did you feel when your book was published and you held it in your hands for the first time?

The feelings that followed the publication of the work, and especially those moments when I held the copy of the book in my hands, are literally indescribable. Making a by definition failed attempt to analyze what I felt, I would say that it was a mixture of excitement, satisfaction and pure, unadulterated joy. Like that which floods the soul of a small child when he plays carelessly. The reason is, of course, the fact that this particular creation is nothing more than my brainchild. Nothing more or less than the literary offspring conceived by my insatiable need for expression.

Why do you think you made the right choice with

After thorough market research, mainly via the internet, I ended up working with A choice that in retrospect turned out to be highly successful. These are people with knowledge of the field and excellent professionals. They edited my project flawlessly and with their overall work they made me not regret the preference I showed them. Generally speaking, I believe that, as far as the field of self-publishing is concerned, is today the ideal choice. This is because it simply has the most flexible and affordable packages available.

Your first impressions of the "journey" of your book, which has just begun?

With the official completion of the publication of the book, another exciting process began, that of its promotion. The aim is of course the best possible promotion of it to the reading public, so that the work has the maximum possible impact. At this point I had to put the artistic identity aside for a while and operate with the commercial part in mind. An extremely interesting experience, since the dominant criterion here is that of creativity. It's just that instead of struggling to shape some novella, I'm now trying to plan the ideal strategy so that the product bearing my name gets the response it deserves.

"With the official completion of the publication of the book, another exciting process began, that of its promotion. The aim is of course the best possible promotion of it to the reading public, so that the work has the maximum possible impact. At this point I had to put the artistic identity aside for a while and operate with the commercial side in mind.”