ΌWe all know that Alexander the Great had the philosopher Aristotle as his teacher. What is not particularly well known is that Stageiritis was not the only trainer of the great recruit.
Many and important were the personalities who nurtured the future king of Macedonia. Starting from his own mother, Olympias, who instilled in her son the religious spirit, to love the gods as well as to appreciate the mystical cults of the East.
Philip, on the other hand, strengthened his son's erudition by inviting a series of great teachers to the royal court. Like Lysimachus from Acarnakia who laid the foundations of Greek education for the young Alexander. Leucippus Limnius had taken over his musical education. He was taught the first mathematics by Meneklis from Thrace who was also a student of Plato. Lampsakis was his instructor in combat. And of course the scientist Aristotle who expanded his spirit.
The present historical study examines that unknown chapter of the life led by Alexander the Great and which confirms that the character of a person is the people who inspired him.
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