Whatever the variations on the myth of Narcissus, he remains the ultimate disaster. In the version you will read, his name is Nasos Pavlidis and he crushes those he loves... Even his own children. Those who are seduced by the charm of his delusion condemn their minds to permanent eclipse. He, too, walks away indifferently from the scene of every crime. Ignoring that his every step leads him to the lake that will pull him like a magnet to its bottom while he falls in love with his reflection in its water mirror...
Perpetrators and victims. Families next door... People become keys and open doors for others while locking their own. Puppets in skillful hands and dangerous minds. Dependent relationships struggling for rehab blended shades closing the circle in Black. Relationships of f-rage and rage behind closed doors that can only be opened with the Wrong Keys…
From the successful author of the trilogy of sentimental novels "Blue" here comes the long-awaited novel which closes his trilogy "Black", where human frailties and flaws are captured with a masterful style and writing that captivates until the last page.
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