We all have our weaknesses, because we were born human. But all of us should aim to try to overcome them, to unite with the Divine. After all, we are created "in the image and likeness" of God.
Sins are nothing but deviations from our divine nature. Natural consequences of our human nature, they are not alien to any of us. And the heroine of our story could not escape from them.
Elizabeth's birth defined the rest of her life. She was born on 7-7-1977 and the number seven marked her subsequent course. At seventeen she committed her first sin and every three years or so the remaining six. All these years Markos was by her side. At first as a friend, until the moment a deeply hidden secret is revealed.
Will Elizabeth be able to accept him back into her life? And must he, who wishes to discover himself, first lose his soul? This is the burning existential question posed to us by The Seven Deviations.
Dante Alighieri mentions characteristics in his great work "Divine Comedy":
The path that leads to heaven begins in hell (La senda que lleva al Paraíso comienza en el Infierno).
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