Artemis Antoniou
Let's talk about psychotherapy - study

| iWrite Family of Writers!

How important is writing to you?

Writing is an integral part of my work as a therapist but also a process that expresses me on a personal level. Writing is for me an important way of expression, communication, creativity, exploration and discovery.

“The publication of this book was for me a natural progression of its conception and writing. […] At iWrite I like and appreciate the personal and direct communication I can have with the publishing team I work with.”

How did you feel when your book was published and you held it in your hands for the first time?

Publishing this book was for me a natural progression of its conception and writing. As can happen in a birth, there were difficulties, surprises, relief, joy and liberation. I feel that with its release it was now ready to travel and be in the hands of anyone interested in its subject. And this realization gives me, as the author of the book, a sense of completeness.

Why do you think you made the right choice with

At iWrite I like and appreciate the personal and direct communication I can have with the publishing team I work with. As a writer, I had flexibility and choice over my work, while maintaining my intellectual and commercial rights. I consider this framework of cooperation to be innovative, creative and friendly to the needs of a new writer.