Angeliki Kourmoulaki
Dreamscapes – a quest narrative

| iWrite Family of Writers

How important is writing to you?

Writing for me, who am a painter, is another way of artistic expression and more specifically another painting technique. Words become an additional means by which visual images are created that attempt to capture pieces of my being, as they emerge in moments of connection with something deeper within. Word and image form a common visual language in this work. They are governed by the same rules of aesthetic harmony, spring from the same inner need and reduce to something else, as coded images. Finally, the book as a multi-page book becomes, in my eyes, a multi-faceted work of art. I would say that art, including writing, is for me the language of seeking and communicating with myself and the divine and as such is a dominant biological need.

"In the iWrite team I found consistent professionals and well-intentioned people, who welcomed my work with enthusiasm and kindness. They were thus a pleasant stop in a thorny adventure in the search for a publishing solution."

How did you feel when your book was published and you held it in your hands for the first time?

I was very moved, for three reasons. The first is because I got my hands on a beautiful book that satisfied my aesthetic criteria. The second reason is because a dream of mine has come true after many years of its initial conception. And the third reason is semiological. A book that talks about dreams becomes a realized dream itself. A story that talks about coming of age, comes of age itself in its 17 years of existence with this book. In addition, it bridges the era of my artistic starting point (illustrating the first story "a journey inward" made in 1998), with my most recent artistic period (illustrating the second story "a little story about a mermaid" , which took place this Spring). Thus, in a way, my artistic path is recapitulated, marking also a kind of my artistic (perhaps not only) coming of age.

Why do you think you made the right choice with

In the iWrite team I found consistent professionals and well-intentioned people, who welcomed my work with enthusiasm and courtesy. They were thus a pleasant stop in a thorny adventure in search of a publishing solution. But most importantly, a warm and creative partnership built on good communication easily developed between us. This, for me, is the most solid basis for this type of multifactorial collaboration!

Your first impressions of the "journey" of your book, which has just begun?

My book was born in difficult economic-social-political conditions. Nevertheless, it made a sweet start with its first presentation, in a beautiful evening at Zogia cafe, but also with many people in my circle, who wanted to get it! I then trust it to the communication and promotion department of iWrite, but also to the very dynamic, or if you like, the soul of the book. If he really has something to say to someone, he will find a way to reach them.