This work is addressed to everyone regardless of age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, any identity that is (it also exists in English). It's about some thoughts and lessons I've learned while traveling, in relation to society and the world, and I wanted to share them with you.
In today's reality the following paradox applies: Knowledge exists. The information is also there. Motivation is gone. This is the perfect field of action-exploitation for some, who with the silent, passive consent of the world, are trying to sow havoc in society, hatred, discord, destruction. People are confused, but things are simpler than we sometimes think. What is happening on Earth is the result of misconceptions. For those of us who believe we must improve and not return to obscurity, any creative thought that can contribute to the ongoing struggle for freedom must be shared. Knowledge must be spread everywhere and not stay on library shelves or be discussed only in universities and "closed" communities. I hope that other people will be motivated, not only to write and share their stories, but to join together in every way, with the goal of creating the longed-for community of people capable of living in a freer world, with less intolerance, fear, wars , deaths, tortures, enmities and disasters. A free society presupposes the existence of free individuals. Solidarity, self-organization, peace, love, light, life, action.
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