An approach to the special world of individuals suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Through the fairy tale The Zaboliaris Encephalos, the author Epic of Zengou presents the story of a family and little Manos, who is diagnosed with OCD. Helping in the effort to accept and deal with the situation is the famous doctor Dr. Cornelios Troumplis, with whose help little Manos and his family manage to cope with the difficulties that OCD causes in the family's daily life. And as always, LOVE turns out to be the big winner.
In collaboration with Mrs. MIkaella Gergiokas, which has undertake the commentary, the questions and answers of the 2nd part of the book and its rendering in the English language, with a title TOC! TOC! FALSE ALARM.
With his kind cooperation neurologist-psychiatrist Mr. Iron Bakura.
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