- Master, where did we lose our love?
- To the translation, my child!
ΣI love you and I want to meet you. To know this means to know about you, to know you. I love you for existing. What you are. Not what I imagine, what I desire, what I miss, what I have been deprived of, what I read in fairy tales or what I was told is love.
I love you to the point where my fear begins. That's why we accompany this I love you with various reasons: I love you because I feel beautiful around you. If you move away, the fear of loneliness begins. I love you because I feel safe. I alone have the fear of insecurity. I love you because you complete me. I alone have the fear of hatred. I love you because I want you. If I don't have you, I'm afraid I'll hurt. I love you because I can rely on you. Without you, I fear my expectations will remain unfulfilled.
Love and fear! The two basic emotions! They coexist at every moment. In a different proportion to each. They constantly circle each other and always one leaves its mark on the other. Am I afraid? do i love Am I afraid of love? Do I love fear?
You cannot conjure love or, even worse, demand it. However, you can give love. No one can stop you from loving. They may not accept it, but they can't stop you. And here is the key to our story! This book was written to change the questions of life, shedding light on the reality of love and fear, so that we can take a step towards our happiness.
The book you must read if you want to find yourself.
Stefanos Xenakis
Dimitris is a contemporary poet of life and I am personally lucky to have him as my friend. "TELL ME TEACHER - Book 2" is a prose meter about love and fear, about happiness, about reality, but above all about life. The book you are holding will help you to light up your inner self even more. Where everything is, even if we are looking for it outside. A self-awareness book to get one step closer to your true self. It is a key book for the heart and mind. The book you must read if you want to find yourself.
Stefanos Xenakis
Dimitris Nomikos, once again manages to deeply touch our soul. With a unique way of telling, it sows the seed by mobilizing the reader in a process of meaningful thought and introspection. Throughout the study, you have the feeling that it is addressed exclusively to you. Personally, through his study I came out richer as well as a better person. I am grateful!
Dimitris Tselios
Founding Member of the Consulting Association
Coaching & Mentoring Greece
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