This book is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students who are taught camp organization, recreation, outdoor sports activities and the training of children's camp executives, as well as camp administrators who wish to understand in depth the relevant theoretical background and apply methods and procedures in practice and management and marketing strategies in the specific space.
It can be used by both lay readers and advanced scientists in the field. Students, teachers, students and professionals in the fields of camping, recreation and hospitality in tourism can find in this book, the necessary material for understanding the concepts and practical training in matters related to:
– Development of the camp institution
– Services of the camps
– Management of camps
– Marketing of camps
– Design and implementation of recreation programs
– Leisure activities
– Games
– Operation of children's camps
– Training of executives of children's camps
– Education of children and teenagers
* The ebook was developed in the context of of the "Kallipos - Greek Academic Electronic Books & Aids" program, which took place with the participation of HEALLINK (Association of Greek Academic Libraries), grnet (National Research & Technology Network), National Technical University of Athens and the European Union, while it was co-financed by Greece (Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs, Special Management Service) and the European Union (NSRF 2007-2013, European Community Fund).
The selection of the writing effort coefficient for the design & development of each ebook was made by the respective author - academic - university professor, while our artistic director at the time, Nikolaos Koumartzis, participated in the registers of the "Kallipos" program.
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