Sixteen-year-old Isabel Castleton lives in a world teeming with strange constructs and magic. Orphaned by her mother due to the vanity of her grandfather – and famous engineer – Charles, she studies to pass to the Academy of Engineering.
As her dream comes true, she begins to learn more information about Charles' life. She ends up dreaming of following in his footsteps in finding a magical crystal with incredible powers.
Isabel is faced with a crucial dilemma. Will she continue the peaceful life she worked so hard to achieve or will she follow a different path in her quest to change the past?
With the help of her two best friends, the Witch Nora and the Engineer Daniel, she will do her best to bring her world back into balance. "The Valley of the Green Crystal" is a fantasy adventure full of airships and magical creatures. Will Isabel take the first step to save her world, despite the feelings of greed and selfishness she will encounter along the way? All you have to do is follow her on her quest!
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