A shy little fairy, a terrible green Phoboteraton, a sad king, Mrs. Good Counselor, many little elves and a magical unicorn live within the pages of our story! Will the laughing fairy manage to get the foboteraton out of her wing? Will the Sorrowful King find his Magical Unicorn and the way back to his country? Can Mrs. Good help our little fairy overcome her fears? Who knows... Let's see what happens in this distant fairyland! Maria Agathou, a child and adolescent psychologist, wrote this fairy tale drawing from her experience, with the aim of helping children who face issues of shyness, social phobia or low self-esteem. It is followed by a short guide for parents, with basic knowledge and tips for dealing with shy children. A sweet story to read to your little ones or for them to read on their own when they are a little older.
The Laughing Fairy and the Foboteratoni
Maria Agathou,Maria Agathou lives in Corfu and works as a Child and Adolescent Psychologist. She started her career working at the Special Education Center of the Association of Parents of Disabled Persons of Corfu, while at the same time she opened her own private office focusing on Parent and Child Counseling. It mainly deals with the management of critical and transitional phases (divorce, adolescence, bereavement), dealing with behavioral difficulties and intervening in children's anxiety difficulties and phobias. She was for two years an instructor at Parenting Schools of the Institute of Continuing Adult Education and has taught psychology courses at Preschool Education schools. From 2005 he started working at the Center for Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis and Support (K.D.D.Y) of the Ministry of Education, with the main task of psychometric assessment of students, diagnosis of Learning Difficulties, counseling support for children, parents and teachers and awareness raising of the community through lectures with psychopedagogical themes. In the last year he represents the workers in Special Education, in the Region of the Ionian Islands, as the President of the Association of Special Education Specialties, a member of POSEPEEA (Panhellenic Federation of Associations of Special Education Personnel) in the Board of which he was elected a member.
Weight | 0.5 kg |
Writer | |
Writer | Maria Agathou |
Pages | 40 |
Size | 16x23 cm |
Publisher | iWrite Publications |
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