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In A Few Words
– we don't own currency pairs, crypto, shares or shares that are part of stock market indices.
In any occasion there are two commands: BUY or SELL – we should select one of these options depending on whether we predict that the value of the product will go up or down, so we can win in both occasions if we make the right evaluation.
– The prediction is based on the fundamental and technical analysis.
– In order to buy or sell shares, you must invest MANY thousands of £, $, €…
– In the markets of FOREX you can start with just $100-300 and your mobile/tablet/laptop and your internet connection.
Anytime – Anywhere
From Sunday 10pm UK to Friday 10pm UK (24/5)
– Because of the small initial capital required, I call the FOREX markets THE POOR PEOPLE'S MARKETS.
– As you will see it is easy to gain (10-50)pip DAILY. And (10-50)pip x $(1-10)/pip = $(10-500) DAILY !!!!
At The End We Only
The Chances We Didn't Take
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