The "long 19th century", as Eric Hobsbawm described it, was a century of political fermentation and rearrangements throughout the European continent. The political status quo underwent significant changes, whether these involved forms of armed struggle or through demands for new political changes.
Among the currents that expressed their opposition to the established political establishment, that of Radicalism stands out, which took various forms of expression in places. From its expansion and evolution in the European continent, Greece was not an exception.
The present book is a historical study, which examines the advent of Radicalism in Greece and the manner in which it took place. The aim of the book is to highlight the manifestations of Greek Radicalism and illuminate them in the context of the political developments of the time.
Maria Dimitrokali -
I had my doubts about the ebook but it is just as good as the paper
Elvina -
I recommend both the ebook and the paper
Christine -
Excellent ebook. I got it a while ago