Έτος 3000.
Environmental pollution has reached an all-time high, governments are falling and people are engaged in a merciless war for survival. Five scientists take it upon themselves to save the human race; and they succeed, establishing four refuge cities.
A few years later, environmental conditions finally favor survival outside the shelters. And while people are ready to make a fresh start and expand again, a shocking event comes to shake their now peaceful society and turn everything upside down.
The four leaders find themselves in a dangerous situation and must prepare for the final showdown with the enemy. Guilt, deception, lies, mistakes, secrets and a murder-mystery unfold before their eyes and they are powerless to react. If all this comes to light, their so carefully planned and structured society will collapse.
What are the leaders willing to sacrifice in order to preserve their achievements? Will they be able to solve the mystery and prevent the destruction? And what role will the Guardians of Light play in all this?
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