The first academic collective book that studies the links between the State and Religion and the distinct relations between the State and the Church in Society
Is the 21st century religious, as some predicted? Has god and religion returned - even in Western societies - leading to a religious resurgence?
Was the theory of secularization not as much of a failure as some have claimed? And, finally, what do we know about secularization itself?
This collective volume attempts to answer the above questions and many others that arise when the public debate touches on issues such as the relations between politics and religion, state-church relations, immigration, gender, religious symbols and others.
This is the first Greek publication on the subject of secularization - in the 50 years of Postcolonialism - on a subject that has caused fierce confrontations and conflicts. The texts in the volume are signed by recognized professors and researchers from Greece and abroad, from different scientific fields, trying to energetically highlight different aspects of the subject. The book fills an important gap in the Greek literature and is addressed to academics, students, journalists, as well as the general public interested in the subject.
They write:
P. Karamouzis, T. Lipovats, A. Litina, D. Mareta, N. Papageorgiou, A. Paparizos, K. Papastathis, H. Tsironis, E. Fokas, St. Chiotakis, G. Davie, S. Bruce, D. Voas
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