The Hagakure is the ultimate Bushido book. A practical guide that encapsulates the warrior spirit of Japan. A unique collection of reflections and didactic stories on the ethics, values and traditional wisdom of the Samurai.
Written in the 17th century by Samurai descendant and later Zen Buddhist monk Yamamoto Tsunetomo, this classic study inspired countless Samurai, while the dreaded Kamikaze carried it on their shoulders as they sacrificed themselves for their country.
Tsunetomo, wanting to keep alive the flame of chivalry in a rapidly changing society, brings our attention back to the importance of devotion, courage, but also the true purpose in the warrior's path, which is not power and fame , but purity of character. For the Japanese philosopher, when man mentally transcends death, he gives birth to a higher state of life, imbued with beauty and grace beyond the reach of those concerned with the temporal and self-preservation.
Rarely in the history of human thought have books been written with so many crystallized practical truths. Studying it Hagakure we delve into the true spirit of the Samurai, we learn how to live more fully in each moment, but above all, how to face the fear of death…
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