Especially for the first 50 orders, the book will be accompanied by a handwritten dedication from the author!
Because the option writes, does not erase. It remains indelible and haunts. Woe to her victims.
90s, New York.
Under other circumstances, a fairy tale would take place on the streets of the Metropolis. Not, however, in this case.
She is a young taxi driver, trapped in a martyred marriage, under the yoke of her brutal husband.
He is a charming actor, haunted by a dark past.
A performance without an audience and without precedent is composed, with these two protagonists.
Will it be possible to break the vicious cycle of mental pain and sexual abuse? Will the desired cleansing come? And when, finally, will the actors take off their mask?
A heartwarming story that lingers in your mind for days after you've finished it. The author put her soul on paper, with incredible bravery and a lot of emotion.
Athena Kamatsou, writer
The book touches on many issues and it is highly current, while at the same time timeless. The author "approaches" and "touches" issues that concern society and does so with respect and delicacy.
Tatiana Tsinioli, writer
Narration that takes your breath away. Explosive and dramatic, full of twists and turns. A book you never want to
let go of your hands
George Konstantinou, writer
Eugenias Nifora's first-ever pen captures the momentum of love in the foreground, against the harsh reality that crushes the "I want" but never penetrates the destiny.
Marilia Makri, journalist and creator of
With her unique pen, the author shows us a harsh reality through her young eyes.
Christina M. Psylla, writer
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