"The Park" is a collection of 15 mystery and fantasy stories. Three of them are developing into well-known parks of the planet and gave their name to this book. Through short and riveting narratives, sometimes in the first and sometimes in the third person, a penetration is made, both in the lives of ordinary people who experience intense inner conflicts, and in the shelters of their psyche. The fantastic element dominates, the mysterious atmosphere and the tragedy of the heroes. A hallmark of all stories is the twist at the end, which makes it clear to the reader that things are not always as they seem and that there are other angles to look at. The journey through these stories is like a walk in a park with lots of thick bushes, dark paths, secret and hidden corners behind tall trees. Mysteries that unfold gradually, and the reader who will accept the challenge to discover them, should know in advance that he will encounter continuous surprises along the way. Time freezes, the past awakens, the present beguiles and the future lurks uncertain. The heroes flirt with other dimensions, sometimes with fear and sometimes with humor, and wander between fantasy and reality, the present and the past, the visible and the invisible world. Each hero of the "Park" makes a breakthrough.
You; How about a walk in the "Park"?
Eleni George -
The Park is a book with 15 wonderful, powerful, subversive stories that will make you surprised, cry, enter another person's mind, maybe discern some of your fears. Dimitra Papanastasiou has the awesome ability to grab an experience or a moment and create the strangest story! A powerful book that you wish would never end. I'm already waiting for the next one!
Georgia Skurtis -
I read the book by chance, since I'm not a fan of the genre. I have to admit that the author has a lot of talent and her narrative style keeps the interest undiminished. Each story has its own very strong moment. Good luck Mr. Papanastasiou.