Every person has a story to tell, the story of their life. It is the only thing he actually bequeaths to future generations, and whoever remembers him, remembers him precisely for that, for the history he left behind. Unfortunately we don't live forever, but if there is one way we can manage to live a little longer than our short life, it is to tell our story to the next generation, and the next generation to the next generation, and so on.
We are not human. We have no flesh, bones, blood. All we have are words, words that define us, guide us and direct us, words that together become our story. Love is a word, respect too, freedom and justice the same. Our very memories are words. We seldom remember an emotion as when we had felt it. What we remember are the words. The words remain. The story you lived is words. The story you told is words.
Therefore, if you are pleased with the story you have told, and your conscience clear, I will leave this moment and never return. But if you wanted to say something and didn't say it, then unfortunately it will be too late and the second chance will also have been lost. Treat your memories and history with justice. Let the truth be known. You should thank me. Most people didn't even get the first chance."
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