Eto see unique, two eyes different from each other. One blue and the other green, one an observer of a conventional reality, the other a witness to an occult truth. In his battle with reality, the Barcelona-born painter with the pseudonym "El Camino" recalls the most defining events of his turbulent life, his most guilty passions. Trying to escape the demons of the past he is drawn to the apparent safety of familiar Madrid landmarks where old friends and new enemies meet. There he acts as a painter-investigator composing portraits that penetrate the deepest layers of the soul.
His own soul is dispersed in the world he captures in his paintings when he is confronted with the tragic consequences born in the chaos of love and fantasy. In historical Toledo the boundaries between the imaginary and the material world become more and more indiscernible, the dissonance of his eyes peaks, turns into a conflict that wants a winner and a loser. Conflict with himself in his attempt to decode human nature.
He is finally called upon to explain the meaning and cause of his illusions, to reveal the bits of truth he has artificially concealed, to shake off the fraud of the bipolar. Will he do it through his only friend, Herophilus, or through the only woman he ever loved, Iris? But to whom does he address his informal confession? And what is his deepest desire if not freedom and happiness?
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