A celebratory fantasy box for an extremely exciting fantasy novel by Evangelia Bathrellou!
Book I: The World Given Us
Η city of Pyrakantida has many forms.
By day, gold flows in abundance through its streets, as people from all over the Wood Sea gather in the Upper Town, the Market, and the Port, to take part in the constant buying and selling. At night, its rooftops swarm with knife-wielding shadowy figures as the gangs of the Undercity emerge to set up their own dangerous game.
The past of the place is intertwined with a magic forgotten by everyone. As for his future... Who knows? It will depend on the winner of the battle for the soul of Pyracanthida.
As the city's new generation struggles to find their place in the world and face their personal demons, a dangerous force from the past lurks, ready to invade…
The riveting story of a raging revolution in a fictional world, full of inequalities, which only a group of brave and charismatic young people can change!
Book II: The World We Will Build
Nothing is the same anymore. The magic of the past has invaded the present, wearing the face of Stylianos Myriofloystos, and has turned the reality of Pyracanthida upside down, shattering the lives of its inhabitants. The new governor holds the reins of the city tightly in his hands and is determined to build its future according to his own ambitions. But he has overlooked that this world does not belong to him. He belongs to the people of Pyrakantida, who, when the truth behind his plans is uncovered, will rise up as a whole, to take back the right to determine their own destiny. Faced with supernatural forces beyond their understanding, victory seems impossible for our heroes...but the strength of people when united can overcome anything.
Don't miss this fantasy novel!
The revolution is awakening.
And it will sweep everything in its path.
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