The lonely traveler Odysseus, now a mature man, eternally in love with the endless blue sea, returns for a while to his birthplace, Thessaloniki, after long-term wanderings in almost all the seas of the world.
An unexpected meeting with little Zoe and the strange relationship that is created between them, pushes him again into the unexplored seas of his inner self.
After Zoe's persistent urgings, he will begin an extensive narration of his turbulent life about people, adventures and events that marked his life and mind. A tour of the Thessaloniki slums of the past and the unexpected meeting with a strange woman who led him to the most mysterious paths of love, but also with the strange antiquarian bookseller who introduced him to real knowledge. Through the mysterious nods of memory, dilemmas and doubts emerge from the depths of the soul, which all these years he was sure he had overcome. To stay? To leave; What is more important after all? The love of freedom or the freedom of love?
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