Where Do The Necronomicon Gates Lead?
Do the Great Old Ones exist?
What Secret Are They Hiding?
The book that describes the chronicles and forbidden magic of the antediluvian gods is called Nekronomikon. And, to this day, dozens of initiatory groups and orders work based on his philosophy. But if the Great Old Ones and the Necronomicon are figments of H.F. Lovecraft's imagination, then why do the rituals of modern wizards work?
What is it that appears when one invokes the energies of Cthulhu, Azathoth, and Nyarlathotep? What is really going on with the Grand Old Ones?
George Ioannidis continues his research into the unseen history of the Cthulhu Mythology and reveals to us, in this second volume of his study, the whole truth about the gods and goddesses of the Necronomicon.
He guides us through the orders of the Cthulhu cult and their paradoxical beliefs, examines Lovecraft's personality through the perspective of psychoanalysis, presents one by one the spheres of the Qliphotic Tree of Death, highlights the relationship of the Cthulhu Mythology with Greek classical mythology, the Left Atrapos, Chaoticism, and the great occult traditions, and reveals the rituals and practical methods employed by the mystics of true Necronomicon magic.
For the first time the secrets of the Necronomicon are being decoded
and are revealed in all their terrifying size!
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