In the land of Elidora, humans, fairies, elves and other creatures live in harmony. But the dark shadow of the Black Mage and the imminent war that is just around the corner mean the time of the Chosen One, the only one who can defeat him and fulfill the prophecy.
Twenty-year-old Brion will see his life change from one day to the next. Born of two worlds and two races, he is the one who holds in his hands the fate of all. Carrying a heavy inheritance on his back and with precious friends by his side and dangerous enemies against him, he journeys through dangers and traps to places magical and terrifying, beautiful and nightmarish, in order to join the two pieces of the crystal locket and destroy it, before it falls into enemy hands.
The time for the final showdown between Good and Evil is drawing near. Will Brion finally succeed in accomplishing his mission? Will he manage to destroy the locket in time and bring peace back to the world before it's too late? Everything will be decided at the last moment in a battle to the last, which will mean redemption or doom for the people of Elidora.
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