For patients suffering from scoliosis, it is especially important to be as well informed as possible about the disease and the various treatment methods, so that on this basis they can work with their therapists with full confidence.
With this book, the author gives sufferers, as well as their parents, a clear guide to all questions about scoliosis. Diagnosis, measurement methods, physical therapy, orthotic-corrective scoliosis brace treatment, up to spinal surgery and the possibilities of subsequent treatments are presented here with absolute transparency. Thus, fears are denied ground, and, even more, confidence is created in the multifaceted possibilities of healing.
The existing documented scientific evidence and information is complemented by the numerous personal reports of experiences of patients with scoliosis, which, in turn, encourage other patients – a valuable asset for the success of any treatment. They also provide valuable auxiliary information for the patient to evaluate the existing specialized field of action, as well as the range of treatment limits, so that he can take responsibility for deciding the personal course of treatment.
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